TridiagLU  1.0
Scalable, parallel solver for tridiagonal system of equations
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 matops.hContains macros and function definitions for common matrix operations
 tridiagLU.hHeader file for TridiagLU
 test.cTests for tridiagLU solvers
 blocktridiagIterJacobi.cSolve a block tridiagonal system with the Jacobi method
 blocktridiagLU.cSolve block tridiagonal systems using the LU decomposition method
 tridiagIterJacobi.cSolve tridiagonal systems of equations with the point Jacobi method
 tridiagLU.cSolve tridiagonal systems of equation using parallel LU decomposition
 tridiagLUGS.cSolve tridiagonal systems of equations in parallel using "gather-and-solve"
 tridiagLUInit.cInitialize the tridiagLU solver
 tridiagScaLPK.cWrapper function to solve tridiagonal systems using ScaLAPACK's pddtsv